Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to Sync Your Gmail and Facebook Contacts

Currently, if you were not aware, Google and Facebook are having a bit of a feud.  Google is upset that Facebook can pull all your contact info from Gmail but Google doesn't get the return favor of all your Facebook friends.  You can get the in depth back and forth in this article from TechCrunch - Google’s Response To Facebook’s Response To Google’s Facebook API Ban  


Until the dust settles (and my prediction is Facebook will allow exports eventually) there is a workaround if you really want to be able to email all of your Facebook friends but it is less direct than one or two button clicks like it should be.  To make this little hack work just use Yahoo! as the middle man.  While Facebook has an embargo on Google it does not have the same hostilities and restrictions with those it sees as partners.   


(Assuming you have a yahoo account or can set one up)

1.     On the right hand sidebar in Yahoo select “Contacts”

2.    This will allow you to import contacts from several sources 

3.    You can pull from several sources and you can choose any but the one we want is Facebook.    

4.    Once all of your contacts are synced up in yahoo and ready to go (you can remove duplicates at this stage if you would like.  The service is in beta but it seemed to work pretty well.) 

log into your Gmail account and enter the settings.

5.    In the upper right hand side go into your Gmail settings.

6.    Select the Accounts and Import settings

7.    From here you can Import your Yahoo/Facebook contacts (and mail)

Gmail also has a delete duplicates in your contact settings but I neglected to capture that... sorry.

Hope you found this helpful.

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