I have yet to make a business card.
I have never really needed one for self promotion but have always wanted one. So this week my goal is to create and print business cards.
My main reason for putting this task off is because I didn't know what to put on it for a job title. I never wanted to put my actual job title on a card I'm paying for or to commit to doing just one thing. If I create a business card that says AV Specialist, my current job, then that defines me and my abilities. Same thing goes for computer specialist, photographer, or manager; I become limited by my title.
That's where the slash blank comes in.
I have abilities beyond job titles and WANT to learn to do NEW things. On the card I will create this week, at the bottom will be something along the lines of "freelance work in... computers/digital media/_____________". In that blank I reserve the right to put anything I feel I can do well. Writer, instructor, public speaker, dance instructor, construction worker.... you get the picture.
The same idea applies to this blog. I don't want what is posted here to be limited to what the title is. I like a lot of thing and have a wide spectrum of interests. Most of those interests are a bit geeky in nature but not all (I actually was a swing dance instructor in college for a school club). The topics will be varied, they will be interesting, and most importantly they will be helpful.
Information for the sake of information is pointless. The information you find here will be something that you can try, make, or practice. Press F11 to make your browser go full screen.
Also I chose the name slash blank because it sounds cool.